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A post office in this area opened in 1908, named for Count Waldersee of Germany (1832-1904) who commanded Allied troops during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion in China.
Waldersee, looking north from the river bridge, on what is now Highway 260 (May 1928)
Behind the store in the left foreground is the first Christ Lutheran Church, built in 1894.
Source: Adrene Schmidt
Waldersee (1950)
The farmyard in foreground belonged to Fred and Rosalie Schmidt. The store across the road belonged to Jack Single and family, next to which was the manse and barn for the minister of the new Christ Lutheran Church built between 1942 and 1945, across the road from Empey’s Garage.
Source: Adrene Schmidt
Go here for a list of historic sites in Waldersee.
Geographic Names of Manitoba, Manitoba Conservation, 2000.
We thank Adrene Schmidt for providing information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 29 July 2017