Manitoba Business: Israelite Press / Universal Printers

The Israelite Press Limited was incorporated via Letters Patent under the Manitoba Joint Stock Companies Act on 20 October 1915. The founding partners were Frank Simkin, Joseph Hestrin, Raphael Shalitt, Walter Gorsey, and Frederick Read. In 1915, it operated from the La Salle Block (809-811 Main Street) at Winnipeg and published the Israelite Press newspaper. In May 1922, its initial capital stock was raised from 20,000 to 40,000.

As of 1 March 1926, the Israelite Press was replaced in-name by Universal Printers which acquired its assets and carried on its printing and publishing business. From the 1930s into the 1960s, operations were headquartered at 165 Selkirk Avenue. The Israelite Press remained in circulation until 1967. It was then brought back in 1969 as Dos Naye Yiddish Vort (The Yiddish Press), seeing publication renewed in 1970 as a magazine. Printing ceased in 1981.





Raphael Shalitt


Feivel “Frank” Simkin (1885-1983)

Managing Editors


Managing Editor


Harry E. Wilder (1881-1948)

See also:

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Rice Knitting Warehouse / Israelite Press Building / Universal Printers / Sterling Glove Building (165 Selkirk Avenue, Winnipeg)


Companies Office corporation documents (CCA 0059), 122I - The Israelite Press Limited, GR6427, Archives of Manitoba.

Business Names Registration files (CCA 0062), 5277 - The Israelite Press, GR13054, Archives of Manitoba.

Business Names Registration files (CCA 0062), 8860 - Universal Printers, GR13054, Archives of Manitoba.

Orders-In-Council (EC 0003B), Order-in-Council No. 38830 & 38831, GR1530, Archives of Manitoba.

Catalogue search, Winnipeg Yiddische Vort, Manitoba Legislative Library.

A history of the Israelite Pres (Dos Yiddishe Vort),” 21 August 2020, Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada.

This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer.

Page revised: 22 January 2025