Manitoba Pageant, Spring 1970, Volume 15, Number 3
James I to such and sundry Oriental Princes as Captain Thomas Button shall chance to meet upon his sailing in far waters.
James, by the Grace of the Most High God, Creator and Only Guider of the Universal World, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith.
Right High, Right Excellent and Right Mightie Prince, divers of our subjects, delighting in navigation and finding out of unknowne countries and peoples, having heard of the fame of you and and your people, have made a voyage thither of purpose to see your countries and with your people to exercise exchange of Merchandize, bringing to you such things as our Realmes do yield and to receave from you such as yours afforde and may be of use to them, it being a matter agreeable to the nature of humane societye to have commerce and intercourse each with other.
And, because if they shalbe so happie as to arrive in your Dominions, that you may understand that they are not persons of ill condition or disposition, but such as goe upon juste and honest grounds of trade, Wee have thought good to recommend them and their Captain, Thomas Button, to your favour and protection, desiring you to graunt them while they shalbe in your country, not only favour and protection, but also such kindness and entertainment as may encourage them to continue their travailles and be the be-ginning of further amities between you and us. And we shall be ready to requite it with like goodwill towards and of yours that shall have cause or desire to visit our Countries.
Page revised: 19 July 2009