Manitoba History: Number 47, Spring/Summer 2004

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Hand-drawn illustration of a rust infection on wheat, used by Reginald Buller in his botany lectures at the University of Manitoba, circa 1915.

Hand-drawn illustration of a rust infection on wheat, used by Reginald Buller in his botany lectures at the University of Manitoba, circa 1915.

Source: University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections

Science Comes to Manitoba: A Special Issue Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Science at the University of Manitoba

Science Comes to Manitoba
by Harry W. Duckworth and L. Gordon Goldsborough

Reginald Buller: The Poet-Scientist of Mushroom City
by L. Gordon Goldsborough

Wealth and Privilege: An Analysis of Winnipeg’s Early Business Elite
by Don Nerbas

Page revised: 5 September 2017