Manitoba History: Number 27, Spring 1994

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An early Ukrainian dance troupe in Winnipeg, circa 1910

Source: G. A. MacDonald

W. Sanford Evans and the Canadian Club of Winnipeg, 1904-1919 by Wade A. Henry

“You couldn’t run a game on Saturday night“: The Winnipeg Warriors, Television, and the Business of Pro Hockey, 1955-1961 by Morris Mott

A. C. Emmett and the Development of Good Roads in Manitoba by Karen Nicholson

The Young Historian: Nýja Ísland I Kanada: The Icelandic Settlement of the Interlake Area of Manitoba by Brock Arnason


Donald Weatherell with Elise Corbet, Breaking New Ground: A Century of Farm Equipment Manufacturing on the Canadian Prairies by John Herd Thompson

Royden K. Loewen, Family, Church and Market: A Mennonite Community in the Old and New Worlds, 1850-1930 by Lyle Dick

Mary Hallett and Marilyn Davis, Firing the Heather: The Life and Times of Nellie McClung by Angela E. Davis

J. M. Bumsted, The Manitoba Flood of 1950: An Illustrated History by Val Werier

Ian Bunyan, Jenni Calder, Dale Idiens and Bryce Wilson, No Ordinary Journey: John Rae, Arctic Explorer 1813-1893 by C. Stuart Houston

Michael Ames, Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes: The Anthropology of Museums by David H. Stymeist

Helen Buckley, From Wooden Ploughs to Welfare: Why Indian Policy Failed in the Prairie Provinces by Walter Hildebrandt

Henry Epp (editor), Three Hundred Prairie Years: Henry Kelsey’s “Inland Country of Good Report” by Michael Payne

R. C. Macleod (editor), Swords and Ploughshares: War and Agriculture in Western Canada by David McCrady

Page revised: 29 March 2022