Grain Elevator: Morden, Manitoba
Watercolour by Walter J. Phillips, courtesy of Winnipeg Art Gallery, Mr. John Crabb, and Mr. John Phillips.
Paulet Paul: Métis or "House Indian" Folk-Hero? by John E. Foster
Old Ways Under New Skies: Blumenort, Manitoba, 1874-1910 by Royden Loewen
An Interview with Mitch Sago by Jim Mochoruk
Oral History: Clanwilliam, 1918 by Pax Crawley
Oral History: Life in the Brandon Gaol by Jo Ann Tymchak
Historical Tour: Morden, Manitoba by Rosemary Malaher
The Winnipeg Roller Rink by Myron Love
Famous Places: The Cornish Library - 70 Years Old by Christine Melnick
Frank Cornish - The Man by Ruth Swan
Documents and Archives: Oral History at the Provincial Archives of Manitoba by Jocelyn McKillop
Gerald Friesen, The Canadian Prairies: A History by Irene M. Spry
Review: Jill Wade, Manitoba Architecture to 1940, A Bibliography by W. P. Thompson
Review: Dale Gibson, Lee Gibson and Cameron Harvey, Attorny for the Frontier: Enos Stutsman by Sidney Green
Review: Paul-André Linteau, René Durocher and Jean-Claude Robert, translated by Robert Chodos, Quebec: A History 1867-1929 by Mary Beth Montcalm
Review: Helen Coy, FitzGerald as Printmaker: A Catalogue raisonné of the First Complete Exhibition of the Printed Works by Angela Davis
Review: Paul Audley, Canada’s Industries: Broadcasting, Publishing, Records and Film by Stuart A. Selby
Review: David H. Breen, The Canadian Prairie West and the Ranching Frontier 1874-1924 by A. G. Levine
Review: Jean Bruce, After the War by Janet Osborne
Review: James K. Smith, Wilderness of Fortune: The Story of Western Canada by Hal J. Guest
Review: Glenbow Museum, The Geat CPR Exposition: The Impact of the Railway on Western Canada, 1883-1930 by Donald B. Smith
Shirlee Smith Honored by Laird Rankin |