Manitoba Business: Penniac Reef Gold Mines

The Penniac Reef Gold MInes Limited was incorporated in 1911 under the Manitoba Joint Stock Companies Act. Its initial directors included Elisha Frederick Hutchings (President), William Ryde Milton (Vice-President), James Henry Hicks (Treasurer), Arthur Louis Bond, Henry Brougham Stiles, barrister G. S. Van Hallen, George Donald McKay, business manager W. J. Rimmington, and Harry H. Bryant. Its head office was located at 449 Main Street, Winnipeg.

See also:

Historic Sites of Manitoba: Star Lake Gold Mine (Whiteshell Provincial Park)

Memorable Manitobans: James Henry Hicks (c1881-1960)


“Manitoba now has gold mine,” Winnipeg Tribune, 18 April 1911, page 1.

Manitoba's First Gold Mine, pamphlet, Legislative Library of Manitoba.

This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 20 October 2023